
Off to the races...

...the horse races that is!  Today I am going to the horse track...I do have a secret crush on horse racing...but what I also love is the tradition of oversized and amazing hats at the big famous races such as the Kentucky Derby or the Royal Ascot.
Women arrive, some wearing the most ridiculous hats, and others in the most exquisite hats....many times the more ridiculous the better.
Here is a little collection of some hats dating back to the early years of this event right up until now (with some crazier styles). Enjoy!

Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady



Hats on ETSY...

VintageSocialClub on Etsy

3ButterflyKisses4U on Etsy

NavisCastle on Etsy

 And one for the guys...
OnceUponABustle on Etsy

And their off...

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