Valentine's Day is soon approaching us...
I remember as a kid it was so exciting to pick out which Valentine cards I was going to give out to all the kiddies in my class.
There would always be a class project leading up to the day in which we would make a little mailbox to be stuck to the front of our little school desks. Then, when the big day arrived it was so exciting to watch that mailbox get filled up! I loved going home and seeing all the different Valentines my classmates had given me....especially which boys had given me one!!
Now, I'll be honest...I am a true believer that we shouldn't need a certain day of the year to show our L♥VE for one another. BUT it is kinda nice to know that everyone is celebrating their L♥VE all on the same day.
Here are some vintage Valentines I found...some of these are pretty cute and funny too...
♥ ♥ BE MINE ♥ ♥